Friday, November 27, 2009

12 weeks- 3 months today!!

We are at 12 weeks today! Yay! It's a big milestone hitting 3 months!

This week was full of family and food! We celebrated 2 amazing Thanksgivings with our families!

We had an early Thanksgiving at Eric's parents house on Saturday and then celebrated at my parents house yesterday! Both dinners were delicious and we loved spending time with both families this week!!
We realized that this is our last holiday season without a baby!

Needless to say we have so many things to be thankful for this year! We are both healthy and happy! We have amazing family and friends and most of all we awaiting our little bundle of joy!!

Other than that, it's been a pretty quiet week! I have dinner tonight with my girlfriends Nancy and Bri! We are going to P.F Changs! Looking forward to a night out with the girls!

Here is a picture of the bump!! It's arrived!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

11 weeks!

I'm a day late on my post! Oops!

We are officially 11 weeks as of yesterday.

A little bit about baby at 11 weeks:

Your baby now weighs a third of an ounce, about the same as two small, Starbucks-sized packets of sugar, is about 2 inches long, the length of one of those sugar packets. Isn't that sweet?
All of your baby's vital organs are now formed and functioning, so the risk of defects decreases this week as your baby becomes less susceptible to outside influences. Phew! Other exciting developments include:

Baby's ears are assuming their proper place this week and the fingernail and toenail beds are beginning to form. Your little "pumpkin head" really lives up to his nickname as his head is nearly as big as the rest of his body.

This was a pretty quiet week! I got the chance to go out to dinner with my two close friends Missy and Jessica to cheesecake factory and had Red Velvet Cake Cheese Cake. It was a layer of cheesecake...layer of red velvet and repeat that again! It was awesome!

We just got back from seeing the "Blind Side" it was an awesome movie, I totally recommend it!

Eric and I have been having a lot of fun playing poker with each other. We went out and got some poker chips and we've been having so much fun just playing, laughing, and joking around!

Other than that, nothing too big going on!!

Lots of love,

Mary, Eric, and "The Bean

Friday, November 13, 2009

10 Weeks!!!

We've made it to 10 weeks!!! 1/4 of the way there!

Everything is going well! I had 1 really bad week with the nausea, but it hasn't really been bad the last few days *KNOCK ON WOOD*. I do, however, have a terrible cold which stinks! I can't take any medicine and I find myself blowing my nose every 5 minutes and now it's all red!

We have finalized our names! Which we are so excited about!! We had been tossing names around for awhile and we finally landed on 2 that we love!!

The big news this week is that Eric got a new job!! He found a job MUCH MUCH closer to home which is amazing because we was driving 1.5 hours each way to work 6 days a week! He is now an Athletic Trainer with a company called Advanced Physicians. The clinic closest to our house is about 5 minutes away which is awesome! He will have to some driving around the area for different sports coverage, but all in all it's just incredible!! With the baby on the way we are just so greatful that Daddy will be closer to home!!

Tonight Eric and I went out to a restaurant called Key Wester to celebrate his new job and my 24th birthday! The food was amazing and it was fun to go on a special date!! We decided to get a 3 appetizer sampler and some crab cakes which were AMAZING and dessert, instead of getting entrees. It was nice to have a small bit of a big variety!

My families friends the Paitchel's are in town and we were able to visit with them this morning and it was great to see them!!

That's pretty much it!!! Hope all is going well with everyone!!!

Lots of Love,

Mary, Eric, & "The Bean"

Friday, November 6, 2009

9 Weeks Pregnant!

So we hit 9 weeks this morning!! We have a whole new reason to look forward to Friday's now! We get so excited everytime we hit a new week!

So whoever came up with the name "morning sickness" is crazy.... It's pretty much a constant feeling of UGHHHHHHHH. Mine seems to be the worst from 10:30-6:30 so a good part of my day!

This week my big craving was for Cheeseburgers.... luckily I only gave in once!

Eric and I went to the Dentist yesterday! It was my first time in WAY too long, but he said that I have beautiful teeth and that everything looked great! He used all this new technology like ultrasonic teeth cleaning, and he did a scan for oral cancer as well, it was the quickest cleaning I have ever done it only lastest 15 maybe 20 minutes! He was really nice and i'm glad to be back on track with going to the dentist.

We had dinner with our good friends Joe and Mary this week, it was great to see them on Wednesday night. We met their new dog Stew and got Pizza and I make Rice Krispie treats and it was nice to just have a quiet night with good friends.

Other than that, it was a pretty quiet week!

Lots of love,

Mary, Eric, & "The Bean"

Monday, November 2, 2009

Should have knocked on wood...

So... not hours after my last post when I talked about how lucky I was how I hadn't had any nausea yet.... now it's here! And it sucks!

We had our 2nd Doctors appointment this morning. We went over all the blood tests and ultrasound report and the doctor said everything looked wonderful, so we are just thrilled about that!

We made our news public to all of our friends today and we received so many loving messages and words of support. It's been a wonderful day to say the least!

Eric has been the perfect husband. I've been so tired and sick that he has been cooking and taking such amazing care of me! I don't know how I ever got so lucky!

Just wanted to update everyone about the doctors appointment! Everything is GREAT!!

Hope all is well with you all!

Lots of love!

The three of us!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

8 Weeks!!

Well we woke up this morning to a crying dog at 5am. Our Wrigley isn't feeling well and has been up sick this morning. She stayed at the PetSmart PetsHotel while we were in Vegas and she always seems to have a couple bad days when she gets back. The vet seems to think it's from the stress of being away from home.

I guess we have to get used to getting up early and waking up to gross things!

We hit 8 weeks yesterday! We are very excited to have 2 months down! I have been more tired than ever, I'm not sure if it is because of the trip or just because i'm getting farther along, but i'm dragging!! Still no morning sickness so keep fingers crossed that I really do take after my Mom is every way and will not have any!!

Vegas was awesome! We had a lot of fun walking around and seeing all the different Casino's. We played a lot of Roulette and had some successful times and some not so successful runs, but we had a lot of fun playing it! We were able to see Phantom while we were there and it was amazing! I saw it when I was much younger in Toronto with my Family, but it was nice to see it as an adult to really appreciate it! We enjoyed some great meals, long walks, shopping, and just relaxing! The weather (that was supposed to be in the high 70's) was in the 50's and super windy, but it was Dry, which is more than I can say for Chicagoland while we were gone!

We have our next doctors appointment on Monday (November 2nd). We will go over the ultrasound and bloodwork that I had done before I left for the trip. This I hear is going to be a bigger visit, so I'm sure I'll have more news after that so I'll update if we're told anything big!!

Lots of love!!

Mary, Eric, & "The Bean"

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Week 7 Ultrasound!

We had our 1st ultrasound appointment today and it went very well!! If you click on the picture it will blow it up bigger!!

We got to see our little bean and we saw the heartbeat! The due date was confirmed and is still June 11th!! We are thinking of doing a pool for the due date and weight of the baby for some fun!

(Eric is picking his birthday June 15th)
(I am picking June 8th)

I am still feeling great, no morning sickness or anything yet! I have just been very tired lately, but I'm getting used to it!

Cravings have been pretty under control lately, the only thing i've been really "I have to have it" is for Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Which is hilarious!

I go back to the doctor on Monday, November 2nd!

Tomorrow is My and Eric's 1st wedding anniversary and we are leaving for Las Vegas. We will be gone from Sunday-Thursday and we can't wait to just get away!!!!

LOTS OF LOVE to you all! Thank you so much for all your support and love!!

Mary, Eric, and "The Bean"