Saturday, November 21, 2009

11 weeks!

I'm a day late on my post! Oops!

We are officially 11 weeks as of yesterday.

A little bit about baby at 11 weeks:

Your baby now weighs a third of an ounce, about the same as two small, Starbucks-sized packets of sugar, is about 2 inches long, the length of one of those sugar packets. Isn't that sweet?
All of your baby's vital organs are now formed and functioning, so the risk of defects decreases this week as your baby becomes less susceptible to outside influences. Phew! Other exciting developments include:

Baby's ears are assuming their proper place this week and the fingernail and toenail beds are beginning to form. Your little "pumpkin head" really lives up to his nickname as his head is nearly as big as the rest of his body.

This was a pretty quiet week! I got the chance to go out to dinner with my two close friends Missy and Jessica to cheesecake factory and had Red Velvet Cake Cheese Cake. It was a layer of cheesecake...layer of red velvet and repeat that again! It was awesome!

We just got back from seeing the "Blind Side" it was an awesome movie, I totally recommend it!

Eric and I have been having a lot of fun playing poker with each other. We went out and got some poker chips and we've been having so much fun just playing, laughing, and joking around!

Other than that, nothing too big going on!!

Lots of love,

Mary, Eric, and "The Bean

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