Monday, March 29, 2010

29 weeks

This week was pretty quiet!

I had a doctors appointment on Thursday. I was sad because Eric couldn't make it, but he had to work! The appointment was short and sweet. I am measuring perfectly: 29cm for 29 weeks... can't be more right on than that! Heard the heartbeat which was nice and strong as always!

I have been playing with Logan a lot this week! I can finally see his kicks and punches from the outside (my stomach really moves) so I have been poking back and then he pokes back and we just play together! That has been one of the most special parts of this entire pregnancy!

It has really hit me how soon he will be here! Our whole life is about to change and it is just as exciting as it is scary!

Eric and I had a good week. Like I said it was pretty quiet, nothing too big happend. He had to work a lot. He worked his normal M-W and then he was downtown Thursday and Friday and then he helped cover for someone on Saturday so it was a long week! We also found out that he will be taking a buisness trip to get a certification in April to New Orleans! We've never spent that many days apart ever...I think the max has been maybe 1 day. He leaves on a Tuesday and doesn't get back until Sunday. I'm not thrilled that he's going to be gone, but it'll be a great opportunity for him to get this certification done! We'll miss him, but it'll be very exciting to see him when he returns!!

April is going to be a lonely month for me! My parents are going to Egypt from the
2nd-14th . My sister and her family are going to Las Vegas to visit her in-laws from the 6-16th and then Eric will be gone from the 13th-18th. It'll be weird!

That's about it!!

Lots of love,
Eric, Mary and Logan(11 weeks away)!!!

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