Saturday, January 9, 2010

18 weeks!

Hello Everyone!!!

Welcome to week 18!! We are moving along!

This has been a pretty quiet week for us! I started going to the Y with my sister Laura daily! It has been nice to get out of the house and stay active! I started a pregnancy water aerobics class which I really like. It meets every Tuesday and Thursday for an hour in the morning.

We got some crazy snow this week!I actually had a bit of a scare. The snow removal company was going around clearing the driveways, but my car was out there and I didn't want them to skip our house so I went out there to pull the car in and I actually fell. Luckily I just fell on 1 knee and caught myself with my wrist, but hurt just for a few hours and then felt better. I was in pieces though, I was home alone and just thought about how bad it could have been, and felt so lucky that it happend the way it did. After that Eric pretty much put me on bed rest for the rest of the day. He's very protective!

I had dinner with Nancy at on the Boarder this week and it was so nice to catch up with her! It's always fun to have a girls night out!! After dinner I met Eric at Babies R Us which was right next door to the restaurant and we finished registering there.

We are registered at Babies R us and Target! We have been having so much fun picking out all of Logan's future stuff!! Registering is always so much fun, but also so exhuasting! There is just so much to think about and make decisions on! We did a lot of it online, so going to the store wasn't as stressful!

Eric got Friday off, his boss is so nice! Craig told him that due to the weather he could just take Friday off! I loved it! Eric came to the Y with me and Laura and worked out. He WAY over did the lifting and has been so sore all day today. He is moaning and groaning all day, I feel bad, but have still been poking a little fun at him!

Tomorrow is Tristan's (our nephew)1st Birthday! I CANNOT believe he's already 1 years old! My little bubba is growing up so fast! He is walking and going all over the house! He is having a party tomorrow, we are so excited to celebrate this huge milestone! It's amazing how much life can change in 1 year! I love that Tristan and Logan are going to be so close in age! A year and half apart!
He'll be so close with his cousins! He'll have cousin Cali who can teach him the ropes! He's going to have so much fun playing with his amazing cousins! I can't wait to watch their friendships grow!!

I'm just loving every minute of this!! Feeling great and just very excited about everything!!

Lots of love everyone,

Eric, Mary & Logan!

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